TEM EXPLORES: TEXAS! (Houston, Austin, Tyler, And Dallas -- OH MY!) ~ A Personal Adventure6/24/2016 Here's to Friday's and flooding this journal space the last two days with more and more images, yahoo! I promise I really do intend to post twice a week, just some (read: most) weeks get away from me and pretty soon it's Sunday night, Friends is already on the Roku, and I'm bushed from adventure!! ANYWAY! I wanted to share a personal/family adventure with you all today and introduce a new type of post to this space, TEM EXPLORES! If you know me you know I really do love travel. I actually love travel so much so that my husband and I are making plans to learn to pack light (think one backpack only) and take weekend trips around the country using last minute travel sites like SkyScanner -- I mean, how fun would it be to be able to answer the question, "what'd you do this weekend?" with the answer, "we went to Boston (or Miami, or wherever) just for the heck of it!" WAY FUN! I digress, so the very first five days of June we took a family adventure to Texas! Where in Texas, you ask? Pretty much everywhere it feels! After nearly missing our plane we hit Houston, Austin, Tyler, Waco, AND Dallas -- yep, in five days!! I had ambitious plans of sharing ALL my favorite photos from the trip but after culling and only being able to narrow to 100 (gulp) I decided to pick my fave 5 instead and supplement with a grid of Insta goodness at the bottom. Oh hey, that reminds me, if you aren't already make sure you find my insta! Feel free to follow both the @temphotography page and my personal adventures at @misstiffny! ![]() Oh hey, that's me! For those of you who only know me as my logo and previous work (which is super odd for me to think about) this may be the first time you've seen ME! So, here I am, Tiffany! The owner, photog, adventurer behind TEM Photography with my handsome guy of a husband! This snap was actually taken at the NASA Johnson Space Center in front of the space shuttle. Well, there you have it, a (crazily) brief overview of TEM EXPLORES: TEXAS! If you have any questions about what we did, where we went, what we ate, or anything else make sure to let me know in the comments! I'm an open book (as always) and happy to share our stories!! ALSO if you want to see ALL the DSLR goodness and family vacay photos I captured take a peek at my Pixieset gallery here and don't forget to follow my Instagrams!! (HERE and HERE)
ENJOY! ~Tiffany
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